who we are

Above all else, we are guides

Spark! is a team of compassionate ideators, strategists, and activators who love building vibrant communities.

We lead leaders to fulfill their potential.

We’re here to build harmonious and co-creative communities where people:

Feel a sense of belonging and connection to their community.

Recognize their personal power and opportunity to improve humanity.

Can access community capital to support their well-being.

To build thriving communities, we believe that you need to:

See the whole system.

Ensure balanced representation.

Lead with convening power.

Use data to drive action.

Designed with leaders in mind

We provide leadership development, strategic action planning, and backbone support. 

Human-Centered YOUnity®

At the heart of all of our work is humans.

We use the principles of our own Human-Centered YOUnity® framework to inform the work we do.

It's designed to facilitate perspective shifts around the power of our individual perception and human journey as anchors for self-reflection, compassion for others, and collaboration to co-create a better world. 

Learn more about who we are via some of our blogs!

What guides the work we do?

Above All Else Role

This new philosophy is our key to building a better future

The power of personal story and how to harness it

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