Here at Spark!, we lead leaders to fulfill their potential.
But how do we do that? What are some of our tried and true strategies we use to help leaders manifest their dreams?
At Spark!, we use four basic guiding principles to inform decisions and co-create vibrant communities. At the heart of these principles is Human-Centered YOUnityTM, our philosophy that each and every system is made up of the humans involved; informed by unique, individual stories; and influenced by our shared, collective experiences as neighbors.
Whether strategizing action plans, providing organizational backbone support, or evaluating impact, we take a holistic approach to see the potential opportunities that exist in the challenges and struggles that individuals and organizations are facing today.
We compile human-centered research and data—think qualitative aspirations, values, wellbeing; individual stories—to identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to help you address weaknesses and bolster strengths.
Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power. When Spark! identifies room for growth, we bring leaders to the table to envision what’s possible and necessary to improve under-resourced communities. Leaders can inspire directives and implement programs, but in order to create effectual, long-lasting changes, decision-makers must understand the various challenges and lived experiences facing the communities they serve: families, employees, customers, you name it.
Every single person you meet has their own unique story, their own unique perspective, and their own unique vision for the future. In order to strategize action plans that are both individualized and durable, Spark! works to incorporate voices across a variety of backgrounds, lived experiences, and philosophies in your community.
Spark! seeks to represent a broad cross-section of community—from grassroots to grasstops, from mail rooms to executive suites—to understand lived experiences and develop actionable transformations.
Spark! tracks, measures and evaluates both positive and negative effects collaborative changes have on communities. By monitoring outcomes, Spark! is able to identify what’s working, and what isn’t, to make necessary adjustments and showcase the good our partners and our organization does in communities.
By following these guiding principles, and anchoring the process with Human-Centered YOUnityTM, Spark! seeks to help bridge the ever-growing gap between people with differing beliefs and perspectives so that we can co-create a better world.
By rooting ourselves in dignity, respect and personal wellbeing, our process is designed to facilitate paradigm shifts around the power of individual perception. Our shared human journey connects and guides us as anchors for compassion, forgiveness, and kindness.